Saturday, September 13, 2014

How To French Kiss!

French kissing, despite what the name might imply is not necessarily all about giving someone all the tongue you got. That's great for sex, but not tongue exactly. Feelings, you want to give them all the feelings you have. Anyway, French kissing is a little bit about moderation and working up to a nice big frenchy frenchy tonguey kiss.

So when you first go to French kiss someone, you don't want to just shove that tongue up in there. You want to build up to it, because like I always say the definition of pleasure is not getting what you want right away. So you want to build up a delicious little crescendo and then enjoy the fruits of your labor.

So ladies, let the man be in the driver's seat when you guys kiss. Don't just shove your tongue up in there. And even if that's what he does, don't feel like you have to like sword fight him in your mouth. You can take a more submissive approach and hopefully he'll get the hint. Let's see.

So if you guys are wondering exactly when to introduce the tongue in the whole kissing scenario, here's my advice: when lips meet lips, count to four, so one, two, three, four, then open your mouth and count to another like one, two, three, four, and then move the tongue. So it's a bunch of four counts. If you guys are dancers and you know how that works, sort of have in your head, it doesn't have to be right on beat. This isn't who wants to be America's Next dance, I don't know. But just sort of like count in your head so that you don't thrust your tongue into someone's mouth too soon.

Do yourself a favor, don't count out loud. That is weird.

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